Rules and guidelines.
What you can and can't do on our server, and what you'll need to know before joining.
Before joining our server
Please note that you'll need to install Minecraft Forge 1.16.5, or you can use the CurseForge app.
You'll have to install a large variety of different mods, some heavy and some small, so players with computers that contain at least 8gb RAM is required in order to play on our server, as you'll have to allocate at least 6gb RAM to Forge in order to log into our server, or even launch Minecraft.
You'll also need to install Java 64-bit, the current latest version of Java.
To find details on how to do this, you can look in our discord server.
Joining our discord server will be a necessity in order to communicate with us and receive updates.
We will not tolerate
NSFW/triggering topics such as suggestive/sexual conversation, nudity, drugs, homophobia, religion, and politics.
Arguing/fighting and raising drama.
Advertising other Minecraft servers.
Profanity/swearing and slurs.​​
​When looking for a place to build, please make sure you a large considerable distance away from others, this is in order to allow space for expansion.
Remember to set homes, and place trackers on your horses, so you'll never get lost.
Be weird and have fun.
Make friends.
Host events/competitions.
Request setwarps and world edit help.
Invite friends to our discord and Minecraft server.
Create public facilities and barns.
Sell or trade items and animals.
Get a server based job.
Create your own business and hire your own employees.
Roleplay and explore.