Upon joining Swemy Horseys, you'll appear in our spawn lobby that consists of the basic information center, and a couple of buy/sell shops which will come in handy in the future.
Once you've read the rules and any relevant information there is for you to know, you can go off to explore or run command /warp wild to teleport to a random spot in the world. The wild location will change weekly. Once you're ready, you can start gathering resources and establishing yourself in our server.
Useful commands
and helpful information.
Barn/horse care standards and server jobs.
Click on the links below to see the barn and horse care standards and server jobs.
Swemy Horseys Barn and Horse Care Standards document
Swemy Horseys Server Jobs
Zip file:
As of 10.6.22.
Basic commands
/warp wild (tp to random location)
/spawn (tp to spawn)
/sethome [name] (set a home)
/home [name] (tp to home)
/back (tps to death location or last tp location)
/tpa [user] (tp to a player)
/tpaccept (accept tpa request)
/msg (whisper to someone)
/r (quick reply to whisper)
/mail (view mail)
/mail send (send mail)
/discord (get link to our discord server)
/rules (see rules)
/warp (tp to a location)
These are all the essential commands to know when playing on our server.
Regular players can have up to 10 homes, so choose your homes wisely.
Horses can TP with you only if you are sitting on them.
You can transport other animals with you using a burlap sack, they are easily crafted and can also be bought at /spawn. They work on animals and villagers, but not monsters.
To get your own warp set if you have a certified private or public barn/facility, you can ask a mod to set one for you.
As of 10.6.22
Claim commands
/abandonclaim (deletes claim you're standing in)
/trust [user] (gives player permission to build in your claim)
/untrust [user] (revokes player permission to build in claim)
/accesstrust (gives player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds)
/containertrust (gives player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals)
/trustlist (lists the permissions for the claim you're standing in)
/claimslist (lists your claims)
These are your claim commands. To set a claim you'll use the golden shovel and click two points in which you want to set your claim. Everything inside those points will become yours and no one else will be able to touch it, unless you give them permission to. This is to help prevent griefing and stealing.
However, after two months of being inactive, you may find your claim deleted. At this point, people will technically be allowed to steal from your claim, steal your claim, or destroy anything built in it. However, this is not encouraged.
To tell if a player has been inactive for over two months, ask any staff member of moderator and up to check for you.
As of 10.6.22
Economy commands
/bal (shows how much money you have)
/baltop (shows who is richest in the server)
/pay [user] (give someone money)
/ah (view auction house)
/ah sell [price] (puts item you're holding for sale on auction house)
/ah selling (view all items you're currently selling)
/ah sold (view all items you've sold)
/ah expired (view your expired items)
/ah cancel (cancel all your auctions)
/ah return (return all your canceled/expired items)
These are your economy commands. Knowing these will be essential to keep track of how much money you have, and to sell and buy items.
You can sell/buy items from the spawn shops by right clicking on the sell/buy signs.
You can sell/buy items from other players that you may likely not find in spawn shops through the auction house.
Your money from items you buy on the auction house will go directly towards the player who put it up for auction.
When a player buys an item you put up on the auction house, the money will go directly to you.
Keep prices on auction house reasonable.
To complete orders, from SWE-MART for example, /withdraw [amount] to create a banknote. Banknotes can be deposited through /deposite.
As of 10.6.22
SWEM commands
/swem rrp rear (horse rears)
/swem rrp kick (horse kicks)
/swem rrp eat (horse eats)
/swem rrp lay (horse lays)
/swem rrp sad (horse lowers head and pins ears)
/swem horse addfriend [player] (trusts a player to your horse)
/swem horse removefriend [player] (untrusts a player to your horse)
/swem horse transfer (transfers horse to new owner)
These are roleplay commands for your horses. There are a couple of other commands that you can use as well. However, they don't really have much of a function or are necessary at this current version of the mod.
Horses will automatically do most of these roleplay commands naturally, but you can run these commands if you want to force them.
To get a SWEM horse on our server, you can either buy a SWEM horse spawn egg or craft your own cantazarite potion, this potion turns a vanilla horse into a SWEM horse.
To get your FIRST horse if you're new, ask a moderator for assistance.
To get tack for your horses, they can be crafted or bought.
To get supplies/resources for your horses, you can loot abandoned SWEM generated barns, craft them, or buy them.
SWEM horses need to be trained, bonded with, and cared for. As they have affinity levels, speed levels, jump levels, health levels, and thirst/hunger bars. SWEM horses are also able to pee and poop.
To learn more about the SWEM mod, consider joining their discord server, checking out their wiki, or looking up their help videos and tutorials on YouTube.
As of 10.6.22
Wild Farm Craft
Farmers Delight
For all of our western, food, or farm animal loving people out there. The Wild Farm Craft mod recreates vanilla animals such as sheep, cows, chickens, pigs, rabbits, and llamas and makes them tame-able, adds a breeding and growth function, and also makes them run away or fight back. Many of our players who enjoy herding or roping have been making great fun out of this mod.
Wild Farm Craft also adds a bunch of different breeds for each animal, and even adds some entirely new animals to the game.
Farmers Delight adds a plethora of new craft-able foods, for those of you who love fancy feasts, these two mods pair perfectly to enhance your farming experience.